The Limitations of Beacon Based Tracking and Advertising

With the rising costs, shifts in customer expectations and stiff competition, retailers are always on the outlook for ways to gain efficiency and increase sales. So, when beacons appeared on the tech scene in 2013, there was a lot of hype around them. They were able to and provide targeted messaging to customers as they shopped in stores by tracking their movement.

Beacons Alone Cannot Track Shoppers

The user has to install an app for the beacon to work on their phone. Ideally, beacon notifications should be built into the operating system and we should not need to install any additional app. Unfortunately, the user should have the app on his phone that can catch a beacon signal. There should be enough spur for the users to download the app and allow beacons to communicate. Also, no user likes to be poked with offers/unwanted notifications.

Challenges in Beacon Location Coverage

The BLE beacons can’t determine a shopper’s physical location with pinpoint accuracy, so it can be hard to know how many beacons are required, or where to position them in order to ensure that a zone is adequately covered.


The idea of automatically logging in on entering a beacon zone and having your preferences linked to it might delight a few, while spooking many others.
